Yoga pose of the month: Let's study Parivrtta Parsva Konasana (Revolved Side-Angle Pose) this month. Here are some ideas for you to consider:
- To take the heal down or not. Play with both ways and compare and contrast.
- The upper arm can be in a number or positions -- over the head (as pictured), up toward the ceiling, or even on the thigh. What feels best for you?
- Are you lengthening along the back of your leg well? Are you straightening enough? Too much (and hyper-extending the knee)?
- What do you need to do to deepen the twist? What needs to change?
- How does this pose differ from Parivrtta Trikonasana?
If you are a teacher, challenge yourself to teach this pose in each class this month. Add this component: Can you find something new to teach (and learn)?