Yoga pose of the month: Let's study Ustrasana (Ustrasana Pose) this month. Take this month to spend time in this pose, teach it to your students, bring it into your practice, and bring on a deeper sense of reflection this season. Here are some ideas for you to consider:
- Compare and contrast doing a standing back bend (as if you are moving into a drop back) and one on your knees (into Ustrasana). There are interesting differences and similarities that might help you gain insight into your own Ustrasana.
- The head position can often create strife in this pose. Take your pose to the wall so you rest your head on the wall (have your back to the wall) or have a friend hold your head so you can enjoy and explore the pose without any discomfort in your neck.
- Play with various arm positions. Here are a few suggestions.
- Play with variations: Ardha Utrasana (one foot is up in front like you are in lunge) Ustrasana Twist (while in Ustrasana, lift one arm.)
If you are a teacher, challenge yourself to teach this pose in each class this month. Add this component: Can you find something new to teach (and learn)?