(I found this post from four years ago on my blog. Seems quite appropriate here!) I have been working on more firmly engaging my legs in Trikonasana. My legs have been quite a study for the past three years, all in the evolution of my first chakra balancing. I never knew how solid one could feel when the legs are fully engaged! (And I am not sure I am fully engaging them yet – exciting for me!) So, once I have turned my feet, I press the inner edge of my front foot down, lift the inner ankle and continue lifting up to the inner thigh/groin. Then I do the same for the back leg. I then move into the pose, paying particular attention to the back leg, especially the inner thigh. I find my inner thigh likes to sag and when it does, the pose “melts”. When I come out with an engaged inner thigh, wow! I think of coming out by lifting the back inner thigh. I am so solid! I feel as solid as an equilateral triangle!