Yoga pose of the month: Let's study Virasana (Hero's Pose) this month. Take this month to spend time in this pose, teach it to your students, bring it into your practice, and bring on a deeper sense of reflection this season. Here are some ideas for you to consider:
- What happens when you tip the pelvis forward sligthly? Back? Are you truly in the middle of your sit bones?
- Can you sink more in your legs? Are you grounding equally between the two?
- What are your feet doing? If you turn them in or out more, what happens to the knees? Your alignment? (Be sure not to turn them out too far and torque the knees, this is just micro-adjustments.)
- Are you fully experiencing alignment in the spine?
- Finally, can you find the quiet center in this pose?
If you are a teacher, challenge yourself to teach this pose in each class this month. Add this component: Can you find something new to teach (and learn)?