Yoga pose of the month: Let's study Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) this month. Take this month to spend time in this pose, teach it to your students, bring it into your practice, and bring on a deeper sense of reflection on it. Here are some ideas for you to consider:
- How does it feel to have your knees further apart? Closer together? Pressing your knees together? How does the pose change?
- Where do you feel the resistance to moving more deeply? Can you use your breath to deepen the pose?
- Does your lower back feel congested? If so, what you can do to alleviate the congestion?
- Can you lift your upper body more? Your legs? Where does the work come from?
If you are a teacher, challenge yourself to teach this pose in each class this month. Add this component: Can you find something new to teach (and learn)?