(Another post from eons ago that I wanted to share!) I had an amazing month playing in Tadasana. My pose has become infinitely more “mountain-like” in grounding and presence. As a result, I have been playing with firming my standing poses. The legs and arms are the “strength” of the poses so the body and heart can be open and light. I have been finding my Tadasana – a strongTadasana – and then taking my arms overhead, lengthening them out of the lower back. Then I take them out to the side and separate my feet. My arms feel incredibly strong and mimic the strength in my legs. I then turn my feet and, maintaining the strength in my arms and legs, move into the pose. Watch in particular to the back leg and arm, their action can easily be lost in the movement into the pose. If the arms and legs are firm enough, weight on the bottom arm is unnecessary and you will have plenty of “umph” to get back out of the pose when you are done. Don’t you feel incredibly solid?