Yoga pose of the month: Let's study Upavistha Konasana (Open Angle Pose) this month!
- Play with how far apart your feet are. How does the distance affect the pose? Does it affect how grounded you feel?
- Pay particular attention to your lower back. If your pelvis is tipped back, your lower back will be uncomfortable. Play with sitting up on a lift and see if your lower back feels better.
- If you have always been on a lift, begin playing with coming off the lift and being on the floor. Are you ready?
- Do you engage your legs in this pose? Play with engaging your legs even more, letting them be heavy so your torso can be lighter. Can you engage them without contracting the hip flexors? (The muscles on the front of the thighs, right at the hip?)
If you are a teacher, challenge yourself to teach this pose in each class this month. Add this component: Can you find something new to teach (and learn)?