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May 14, 2009


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Today, I will consciously seek out 5 ways to giggle and smile...(and then I know unconsciously I will find many more!)

Beth Waterman

Over the weekend I shared a great laugh with a friend (the kind of laugh when you can't talk because you are laughing so hard). I was recalling something I did as a 16 year old. I was trying to be so "cool" and instead I ended up not cool at all. At the time it was SO embarrassing but now it is hilarious. It can be fun to remember those things we have done that were mortifying at the moment but now on reflection are just funny because you realize it doesn't/didn't really matter.


Recently I took a lunch break at a park. My co-workers and I ended up swinging on the monkey bars and playing catch like kids - it still makes me smile and chuckle to myself to think about how much fun I had.

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