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August 14, 2009


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Beth Waterman

#5 for sure--the lighting, the sky and the detail of the grasses and the dirt plus the closer picture of you--it's a great pic!


ooh, can't decide. I like 1, 2 and 3!

Cassandra Shore

NUMBER 3 without equal

Laurie Dickinson

Seven speaks AWAKEN to joy! I love how the sun is shining around you and you can't help but feel joy when you look at that photo.


nr.5 peace and love


I like the idea of standing poses - but I'm sold on 5 because of the color, however, I like 6 because of the look of joy on your face!

Beautiful pictures - so any would work


#2 without a doubt

Cynthia Paulson

I personally like #7. You can imagine it could be anyone including yourself.




#5! It speaks Joy and Awakening to new things

Dawn Davis

#5 FOR SURE! Love it!

Amy Zellmer

my friend Diane votes for #5

Denae Harder

#5 is the best all the way around!


# 5, though #2 is a close second

Gina Rauker

Number 5 for certain. G


I like #2 the best. #5 is my second choice because of the color.


#5 has great composition, color and balance. If the woman in the picture is not the author, I would recommend the more generic #2.

Sue Westegaard

#5 for me ...

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