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April 11, 2010


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Tiffany Barrett

Happy Monday Laura,

This is a lovely muse ... I think that we are conditioned to 'see' and strive for objectives - the big picture. There are, however, a few - hmm - issues with this plan. Here is one.. few of us are able to see past our own shortcomings...before the fear of failure stops us from trying, low to no self-worth, acceptance, and confidence smudges out our wish for something new - true.

So, what to do... somewhere deep inside is a whisper of love - once you hear it ... you must share it with someone you love... a seed needs water and warmth.

This is my story.. I self-consciously shared a dream... and since then the people, things, events that I have needed to make this dream come true have all found there way to me.

Once you believe in your truth - once you start living your truth - you are never in free-fall.

Hear the whispers...


Tiffany, what a lovely thought! Yes, yes, yes. Thank you for sharing your thought and inspiring me today...it was just what I needed.

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