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August 28, 2010


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So, wanna know where I am taking a chance this fall? I step out and stretch myself regularly, doing hard things for me, in my career. That actually isn't that hard; it isn't "taking a chance". I am sending my kids to school this fall for the first time. (We were homeschoolers up to now.) So,with the extra time I will have with my kids in school, I am going to sit with quiet time. I am going to extend my home practice. I am going to do things for myself -- self-nurturance is my theme. I have even elicited help from my fellow muses to teach me more...


There was a time in my life where I played it safe, protecting myself from all pain. All it did was isolate me, make it impossible for me to feel happiness and joy and block my abilities to create the life I desired. Now, I am always on the lookout for those times where I feel like pulling back and playing it safe. When I observe that in myself I know it is time to take a chance. All the risks I have taken have paid off and led me down the path I am meant to walk. I love the adventure!


Tracy, I LOVE IT! Isn't it ironic? You think you are protecting yourself from pain, but the resulting isolation only created pain! Now, being free gives you MORE love and fun and inspiration. Thank you for sharing!

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