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January 23, 2011


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Dan O'Brien

How stupendously brilliant to have these reminders! Thank you all of you.

I am working in an industry in which one can make up to 187,000 dollars a year in 2-3 years working part time and helping others work toward their dreams. No kidding: 187,000 dollars.

There's a catch. You have be able to believe that You CAN do it. It is astounding that this muse comes to me today. Just yesterday I realized that I hadn't been believing that I could make that kind of money.
As for the power of words: yesterday, when I realized this limitation, I told myself that I can make 187, 000 dollars a year.
Yes I CAN!


I like it like it like it like it like it, the way I feel when I say it say it say it say it say it!

"I can!"

Simple but powerful words, and just what I needed for this week.

Thanks for reminding me that I don't say them (or believe them) often enough.


Dan and Ken, LOVE it! Words are amazing and when we harness the power for our own good...miracles happen.

Peace, Laura

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