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March 18, 2011


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Wow - I loved this. I do feel good and inspired! I think I will visit this often. Thanks for kicking off the week with a powerful message. Loving Mondays and what you do...

Liz Anema

Wow wow....I love this. Laura you have touched my life in so many ways. My son and I so look forward to our Monday Morning Muse.....Thank you for you and all you bring to others. Peace...see you soon.


In a world where winning is everything and the word "sport" doesn't mean what it used to, this is an inspiring example of what true sportsmanship (and real life) is all about.

Thanks for sharing this story.


So glad you all enjoyed it! It was another video my daughter's fourth grade teacher required his class to watch. Gotta love teachers who teach because they feel they can make a difference! (And he does!)

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