Yes, you can
2012 will be the most amazing year of your life so far!
Todays' musing and feel good moment are one and the same. Nick has had a previous showing as a Feel Good Moment because he is so amazing. Let his story propel you into 2012 with excitement, expectation, and a feeling that you CAN do what you want to do.
For the past four weeks I have been guiding you on a journey to a fabulous new year. I have challenged your beliefs around not having enough time to do what you want, not feeling like you in control of changing that which needs changing in your life. I have reminded you to dream and had you choose one thing that you want to be sure is different one year from today. Are you feeling now like you could make a change? That you really can do something different in 2012? Then, it is time to take some action!
Fifth Assignment:
- Write down what you want in the positive. (In other words, not: "I don't want to be fat." Instead: "I want to be fit and vibrant." Not: "I don't want to be in debt." Instead: "I want to be financially free.")
- Write it down in your calendar at the beginning of each month. (Use the calendar I created – My Inspirational Year – to have my support all year round!)
- Now, is it something that takes a multitude of action steps (such as find a new job)? Or is it one step (such as exercise daily)? If it takes a multitude, write down your next three action steps. If it is one, write down that one step.
- Finally, when will you do it? Ummm...what about now? It doesn’t matter if your one action step takes a few moments or a day, doing one thing within the first 24 hours of setting an intention is a powerful step toward moving toward accomplishing your goals. Now, be sure to set aside a regular time each day/week/month (whatever is necessary) to keep going! (Here are some thoughts I wrote awhile ago on finding time to expand whatever it is you want to expand!)
Here are two ways you can join me to make 2012 fabulous:
- New Year's Resolutions From the Heart: The 40-min podcast with workbook is now available to inspire you on New Year's! Let me guide you through the three steps to creating an amazing 2012 for yourself! More info and to register. (PLUS, you can add the 9 podcasts of yoga, breathing and visualizations for each of the three steps with two bonus tracks!)
- My Inspirational Year: Ready for the most inspirational year of your life? Ready to really change what you want and are ready to change? This program includes a journal in planner format, access to a members-only website, and a monthly enewsletter. In addition, each month you receive podcasts with meditations, visualizations and yoga sessions, ebooks, and more to help propel you into your new life. More information and to order: www.AnInspirationalYear.com.
Oh, and one more! Join me in Mexico in February so I can inspire you directly!
(I have only three more spaces!)
Would love to have you! More information and to register.
(If you only read these musings on the blog, register for the eNewsletter and get this bit of inspiration directly in your inbox! Register here.)
Feel Good Moment
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