Keep Going
So, how are the New Year's Resolutions coming along? Have any fallen by the way side yet? Here's your "keep going" pep talk. Creating change in your life takes amazing perseverance, especially when you are changing something that runs deep inside of you. People are amazed to hear me speak of changes I have been working on for ten years. They assume change is effortless for me and I flow through life with ease. I struggle, too, because I still have to do the work we all need to do. What does make it easier for me, though, is a change of perspective. Here are four things I keep in mind as I am going through change:
- I know the first step can be the hardest so I make it as small as possible. Once I get going it gets easier.
- I know the other side of a change is brighter, lighter, and yummier. I have gone through enough changes to know each is worth while!
- I know I will not be perfect. I honor the gray area in my life. Some days I do everything I want to do, others nothing. I don't see myself as on or off the bandwagan so there is no room for judgment. I just keep going. Each moment is a new moment and a time to begin again.
- I know change is challenging and what I am asking of myself is alot. I honor the work I am doing.
What you want to do in your life is fabulous! Keep going! Be sure to watch the Feel Good Moment this week. It is an amazing story of perseverance with all the cards stacked against them!
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What an amazing story!