It is up to you to take credit for the best parts!
Two weeks ago, I encouraged you to take responsiblity for the parts of your life you didn't like and commit to making changes. There is a corollary to this thought -- you also get to take credit for what you DO like; for what IS going well. You have done well in many areas. It might be your relationship with your mom, your husband or your best friend. You might have a home you feel good in or good health or a steady paycheck. You might be great at throwing a party or content by yourself. Chances are you don't take the time to even look at what you do well much less pat yourself on your back about it. In fact, there is an even greater chance that not only do you not see what you do well, but even when it is pointed out to you, you brush it off as no big deal. Let it be a big deal. Honor what you do well. In fact, can you do me a favor? I want you to tell me what you do well. Would you leave a comment on this post and let me know what you do well? Not sure? Ask those closest to you. They know and it is about time you know as well.
(If you only read these musings on the blog, register for the eNewsletter and get this bit of inspiration directly in your inbox! Register here.)
Nothing inspires me more than stories of people who have overcome amazing odds to succeed. The Feel Good Moment for this week is one such story. It helps remind me that, yes, I can do "it" -- whatever "it" is. I can make changes in my life. I can heal myself. I can love freely. I can forgive the unforgiveable. I can create miracles. I can live my dreams. Oh, and you can, too!
(If you only read these musings on the blog, register for the eNewsletter and get this bit of inspiration directly in your inbox! Register here.)
At 8 minutes, it is a long Feel Good Moment. Do yourself a huge favor and at least watch the first 3 minutes. It will completely change your day. (And, you're welcome! :-) )
If there are parts you don't like, it is up to you to change it.
One of the most challenging first steps to manifesting is to admit responsibility for your life. It really is much easier to blame others; other people, the economy, your family, a random action of the universe. But until we admit responsibilty, we cannot possibly change anything. If the state of our life is due to our family, the economy, or anything outside of ourselves we have no power to change it. While accepting the "bad" is our responsibility can be hard, it is also empowering. NOW you can change it!!
Wayne Dyer is one of my greatest inspirations. In this short video he shares what I consider to be his most important message. May it inspire you to search more deeply into yourself!
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