Upcoming Events with Laura
(* Events marked with an asterisk* can be used for continuing education credits for yoga teachers for their Yoga Alliance Registry Mark.)
Te register for out of town workshops, contact the hosting center directly.
To register for other workshops, email Laura: [email protected]
September 2013
Manifesting on the Mat™: Saying "Yes" to Life | Sep. 14, 2013, 1-5pm | $75 | OM Collective, 3350 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55408
Is it time? Is it time to be in charge of your life and do what you really want to do? Be what you want to be? Join Laura in a powerful workshop that combines both Life Coaching and Yoga to create Magic in your life. This workshop will inspire you to declare what you really want for you life and then set the steps you need to take! We will build personal strength both through discussion/life coaching and on our yoga mats. Great power exists when we use our mat well! Using yoga, we can make change effortless.
Chi Kung Energy Flow for Yoga™ | Sun, Sep 15, 1-4pm | OM Collective | $50
Are you ready to deepen your experience of yoga? To experience your poses in a more profound way? Join Yoga Master, Laura Erdman-Luntz and her husband, Tai Chi Master Ron Erdman-Luntz, for an experience like no other. Created from their combined 60 years of practicing their arts, this unique workshop will take you deeper into your practice. Ron will guide you into feeling your chi and get it moving through chi kung exercises. Then they will both take you into yoga poses to experience the flow in the poses. Your poses will feel more grounded and aligned. Your spine will feel longer, your heart more open and the benefits of your practice is exponential. "My yoga has changed dramatically now that I understand and feel how the energy moves in my poses. Thank you!" (Participant, 2012) Email Ron to register: Ron[at]TaiChiWithRon[dot]com.
October 2013
First Annual International Yoga Teacher Retreat | Sep 7-21, 2013 | Shambhala Petit Hotel, Tulum
Enjoy deepening your knowledge of yoga, refining your teaching skills, joining a supportive yogic community and having time to yourself, all within the beauty of an international retreat center. Immerse yourself in your practice for 7 OR 14 glorious days. More information and to apply.
March 2014
Yoga and Life Coaching Retreat to Bali | March 3014 | Ubud, Bali
More information is coming soon. Mark your calendar and join me in fabulous Bali! I will be releasing my next coaching program to follow Five Steps (Plus One) for Living Your Extraordinary Life. If you haven't yet taken the course, prepare yourself for the trip by joining me for the series. It will be amazing!
(* Events marked with an asterisk* can be used for continuing education credits for yoga teachers for their Yoga Alliance Registry Mark.)