When You Change and Your Partner Does Not
One of the greatest challenges of personal evolution is when those close to you aren’t changing and growing with you. I worked with a client today whose husband isn’t feeling the joy in his life like she is in hers. She struggles being at home with him. Besides being a negative energy drain, he often tries to sabotage her efforts to feel good about her life. The same can occur with good friends, family members and workmates.
If this resonates with your story, keep a few things in mind. First, as hard as it is for you to be with them, it is harder for them to be with you. Doing the work you are doing puts their own fears that they aren’t facing right in front of them. You have the courage to do what they are afraid of doing. Any sabotaging they might do to you is rooted in their fears of losing you or facing their own fears and is most likely unconscious. When I said it is harder to be with you than you with them, I was referring to your perspective. You can see and understand what is happening. They are still mired in the unconscious we all remember all to well.
Fill yourself up. Keep yourself full, really full, of wonderful things. Whatever raises your vibration, do it. You will soon find you are the positive inspiration for them...
Photo by: Originally uploaded by senthil