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What's your opinion on foot position once the legs are straight? I found that it took me a while to learn how to point the toes and ground the soles of the feet to the floor. A lot of students seem to get lower leg cramps when pointing the feet, so they kind of give up and rest on the heels.

Hi, ArkieYogini, (I am a bit behind due to a bout of stomach flu in our home! Sorry!)

While leaving toes up as your students do is a viable variation for the pose (I consider viable variations anything that doesn't hurt someone and gives them a hint of the pose) but the final position will give you a stronger pose. Once the balls of the feet are down, and you are able to truly press the balls down, engaging the inner thighs, the pose actually becomes easier.
The cramps in the feet and lower legs is due to weakness. Here is a link to a post I wrote last year after I returned from the SYTAR conference. Hope it helps! http://muselan.typepad.com/studieswithlaura/2009/03/help-for-foot-cramps-plantar-fasciitis-or-tired-feet.html
Namaste, Laura

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