I had some questions about what I meant by "quintessential poses for our culture to balance us" so I decided to take a step back and introduce what I mean. When I look around at my students I see many commonalities. Many (if not all) live stressful lives, sit at desks for most of their work day, and often feel disempowered in certain areas of their life.
Our work as yoga teachers is to help our students balance their bodies physically, energetically, emotionally and more so they can evolve more fully as spiritual beings, taking their place in the world to share their gifts. We want to help them have a stronger foundation so they can expand out and reach further (just like the Tadasan in the photo).
I have found several poses to be particularly beneficial for balancing the commonalities I see. I teach these poses frequently and tell my students why to encourage them to add them to their daily practice as well. I already posted an incredibly simple and powerful one, shoulder rolls. I will be posting more in the days to come.
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Photo By:
Maha Tadasana
Originally uploaded by Monkey Yoga Shala