This recipe comes from an amazing publication I have loved for, well, decades. It was a simple newsletter sent out monthly on recycled newsprint. The author, Barbara McNally, filled it full of loving thoughts, recipes, personal confessions about living a mindful life in this day and age, research on natural living and more. It was (and is!) the perfect bathtub read. Even though she stopped publishing 10 years ago. I still read my copies. I start with the first issue (I have them all!) and read to the last and then begin again. It is grounding and reminds me of what is truly important in my life. This recipe is one she shared and I tried it for the first time yesterday. My kids LOVED it and I loved making it for them. I filled it with love and blessings. May you enjoy it as well!
1 C rolled oats
1/2 C flour (ww pastry or, I did a mixture of oat and brown rice flour)
1/2 C chopped pecans
1/4 C maple syrup
1/2 t cinnamon
pinch of salt
1/3 C sweet butter or grapeseed oil
1 t lemon juice
3-4 firm, large Granny Smith, peeled and cut into thick slices or chunks (I used 4 but would do 3 next time!)
1. Preheat the oven 375 degrees.
2. Oil an 8x8" baking dish.
3. Arrange the apples in the dish, sprinkle lemon juice on top.
4. Mix topping in a bowl, smushing in butter until distributed throughout, making little pea-sized lumps. Sprinkle over apples and bake about 20 min. until apples are bubbly and topping is golden.
5. For a very moist apple crisp, add a 1/2 C of apple juice to the pan before baking.
Apple Crisp
Originally uploaded by cremesoda!