Frequently Asked Questions for Teacher Training
(and good ones to ask when shopping for your own training!)
What is the Director’s philosophy of Yoga?
Laura believes in making yoga a well-rounded lifestyle, rather than simply a form of exercise. The focus is on traditional yoga, including breathing, meditation, and philosophy as a way of life. She also believes the physical poses need to be safe and she focuses on anatomy and applying the anatomy to our students to be sure we do no harm as teachers.
You often speak of training Yoga Teachers rather than yoga instructors. What do you mean?
Yoga Teachers learn their own yoga and teach from their hearts. A yoga instructor teaches a pre-planned class.
What is the difference between types of programs?
You need to know that not all programs are created equally. Some are more focused on the physical, others philosophy. You need to find the program that fits who you are and what you want for your yoga career. Here are thoughts from two of our graduates who also took other trainings. I hope they help!:
Muselan's Yoga Teacher Training program is so much more than learning how to tell people to "get into a pose." It is a self-study program about learning who you are on a deeper level and then finding your voice as a yoga Teacher, not a yoga Instructor... (Stefanie Yeager, 2011)
"There honestly is no comparison between the Musélan program and any other yoga program out there. The program will bring you through so much you had no idea even existed. You will not only leave a better teacher, but a better person. Other programs out there can teach you the pose and the general knowledge of yoga. The Musélan program teaches you how to walk into a room with a presence and deeper understanding of how to keep your students and yourself safe from injury, judgement, non attachment and SO much more!" (Jayme Bergmann, 2011)
What is self-study?
In Musélan’s program, we spend time applying Yogic Philosophy to our own life. We will ask you to look inside yourself and find where and how you are ready to grow and evolve. When we study compassion, you will look in your own life to see where you need to feel more compassion. When we study truthfulness, you will look to see the ways in which you have been less then fully honest with yourself. It is powerful work and one of the ways Musélan stands apart from others.
Is there an exam?
Yes, Musélan’s program has an exam. It is not take-home nor it is open-book. Preparing for the exam gives you an opportunity to review and re-learn the material. You will understand the topics more thoroughly and deepen your foundation as a teacher.
Do I have practicum hours?
Yes, you will need to practice, practice, practice between weekends. The more you practice, the more you will know what you need to learn, the more you will get out of your training.
But what if I don’t want to teach?
Musélan’s program is perfect for those who simply want to deepen their own knowledge and practice of yoga. We still require those who are doing the training as a Yoga Study to complete the Teacher Training portions because, in our experience, we often find people change their minds during the program and decide they want to teach. Here is what two of our participants said who did not intend to teacher:
I started the teacher training course with an indefinite plan to teach. I considered myself a yoga novice, and developing my yoga practice was a first step toward teaching – I couldn’t teach what I didn’t know. I’m happy with the growth in my yoga practice as a result of the teacher training, and I’m continuing that growth.
This teacher training course provided me with a comprehensive and foundational study of yoga. The course greatly enhanced my yoga practice and when or whether I teach yoga is secondary to me.
~ Ron Moore, 2012, RYT-200
"Thanks to Laura's fabulous training I have gained countless skills to transform my life, to be more open and healthy and to live more fully. My transformation was truly amazing and triggered inner healing and lasting positive changes in my life. Even though I started the training without the intention of teaching, I decided to become a teacher to help others also experience healing and self-empowerment. I will be always grateful to Laura and her lovely, knowledgeable and supportive staff for the new Me!"
~Yana Taets, 2012 RYT-200
What do the initials “RYT” mean?
The letters stand for Registered Yoga Teacher based on criteria set by the Yoga Alliance. The Yoga Alliance is a national registry of Yoga Teachers. Teachers who graduate from a program that complies with Yoga Alliance requirements can register with the Yoga Alliance and receive that designation.
An “E” in front of the letters refers to “Experienced”. A Yoga Teacher with 1,000 hours of teaching experience beyond their graduation can apply for the E.
“500” refers to the next level of training through the Yoga Alliance. Yoga Alliance currently has two: 200-hour and 500-hour. Musélan has programs at both levels. An “E” in front of a 500 registry mark refers to 1,500 hours of teaching experience.
Interested in joining our programs? Check out more information is here.