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I really enjoyed reading this post. When I started to write my own blog, I experienced ALL of the above. Eventually I realized that censoring myself is robbing me of creative expression and makes my writing bland. Yes, I wouldn't piss anyone off or stop on anyone's toes but my writing would be boring and inauthentic. Our readers are very intelligent people and they know and feel when we are not being sincere with them. They deserve our best, and they deserve our best f-words too. :)

Natalia, I so agree! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

A resounding YES! Still smiling as I enjoy your lightness (things are only "heavy" if we think they are!), candor and authenticity! :)

So true, Natalie! Thanks for commenting!

You just about said everything that I think and feel A LOT! My favorite was the quit complaining about it and get off your A$$ comment. SO true for so many-and I am not saying I haven't been one of those people from time to time either. I really loved this-thank you! xo

Jayme, You are so welcome! :-)

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