(Before I continue, if living your dream life feels selfish to you, read this post, “I Believe”, before continuing.) Here’s the catch: to live your dream, you need to believe you can have the dream and you must be willing to work for it. Each of these is tricky because the lure of status quo is very strong, even if we don’t like our status quo. We have a very strong, unconscious inclination to have our life continue just as it always has. We even have only a certain amount of joy we are comfortable feeling. I call it the joy set-point.
First: You Need to Believe
Let’s look at the belief part first. Believing you can have
something seems easy enough. But we are uncomfortable at the subconscious level changing anything, especially what we
believe. If we don’t believe we can have something, it is tricky to
convince ourselves we can. Consciously we may see it, but it is the
unconscious that must believe if we are to manifest it.
Second: You Need to Work for it
What about the second part? We must be
willing to work for it. Here, too, the lure of status quo is drawing
us in on both a simplistic and a more complex level. Simplistically,
we don’t want to change our habits, our lives, even our schedule. If
we want something to change, something has to change.
If you want more in your life, you will need to do more, at least
initially. You may need to work an evening or two and not watch a tv
show. Or you may need to get up early to fit something in. Or you may
need to learn how to be more efficient or to have more energy.
On a more complex level, we may not feel we are up to the challenge. The “work” involved may include some actions that are outside of our comfort zone. We may (and probably will) need to take actions that are uncomfortable for us. (At least initially. I find that once we get going, it is pretty darn fun! You can read more about what I wrote about change here.)
we have yoga in our life. Yoga can help us forge through these
limitations into a new life, one of vibrancy, one that represents who
we really are. We need three things to help us create our
dreams: personal strength, opening ourselves to possibilities, and
then we need to surrender in gratitude to what is.
So, again, here are the three things to help us create our dreams:
Letting Go: Focus on twists and exhales
Personal strength: Opening ourselves to possibilities
Surrender in gratitude to what is
We can use our mat to help us achieve all three and break through any limitations we have in our belief system or our resistance to changing and doing something more. Stay tuned as we explore each with some yoga!