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Okay, I wrote the book so I, of course, have had many ahas. One of my biggest ones, thought, was the Spiritual Practice. The day I realized mine was coming from fear (and I have felt that way two times since. Or, at least, felt the fear rear its head) was a huge shift for me. Doing more things (headed toward all things) from love is a powerful life lesson.


in response to email #13 (what has come as seed? as blossom? and what will i sow?):
my personal strength/foundation came as seed. i have only just begun to scratch that surface and it feels scary and exciting at the same time. my physical body came as blossom. i can relate better to the physical. it's a more comfortable place for me to be, stay, focus on. what i want to sow within others is the connection between mind, body and spirit. as i continue my journey of making the connections - becoming more comfortable within my mind and releasing attachments (positive and negative) to my physical body - my spirit will search for balance. some piece of my spirit will land with others and hopefully cause a ripple effect that plants a new seed in them.


almost seven months later, as i have revisited ATJ, my biggest (so hard to just choose one) AHA moment is really around communication. when i am consciously communicating (both giving and receiving) from my heart, it feels authentic and darn right "yummy." i know when i have moved away from "heart-felt communicating" because the feelings are not as "yummy."

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